Welcome to the Domain of HealthwizAI:

Your AI-Powered, Personalized, Interactive Health Coach

Introduction to HealthwizAI


HealthwizAI democratizes access to expert-level health coaching by using AI. Our platform leverages advanced AI to provide personalized, interactive health coaching based on peer-reviewed science and your personal data.

Metabolic dysfunction is the root cause of almost all chronic diseases. HealthwizAI is a tool for tracking and improving metabolic health, designed to have a significant impact on global health.

Healthwiz, the app for monitoring and improving your health

Our platform utilizes Healthwiz, an app that provides a diagnostic health score and recommendations for improving your health score. The good news is that your health condition is reversible, and your health score can be improved at any time if you follow the Healthwiz recommendations.

Take control of your health:

Getting Started

Input Your Data

You will need to input your data (in specified units) on:

  • Gender
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Systolic Blood Pressure
  • Fasting Glucose
  • Triglycerides
  • HDL-Cholesterol

If your parameters are in different units, you can ask HealthwizAI to convert them to the specified units by clicking on:


You can type in your question or talk to HealthwizAI (in English or any other language of your choice) by tapping on the microphone icon. For instance, you can ask HealthwizAI:

  • My height is 5 feet 6 inches. What is my height in inches?
  • I weigh 60 kg. What is my weight in pounds?

Once you enter your height and weight, Healthwiz automatically calculates your BMI. You can then enter the rest of your data.

If you don’t already have your lab parameters, you can ask HealthwizAI:

  • Which is the nearest clinic where I can get my blood tested?

Visit the recommended clinic, get your blood tested (by an accredited lab), and have your blood pressure measured. Save the date, input data, and Healthwiz results in a personal health file for future reference.


Understanding the Healthwiz Score

The Healthwiz score is a composite score involving BMI (body mass index), systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol).

Healthwiz further calculates the probability (based on a predictive model using NIH data) or risk of metabolic syndrome—a harbinger of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s  disease.

A lower Healthwiz score implies a lower risk of metabolic syndrome and, therefore, better overall health.

Healthwiz Recommendations for Lifestyle Modifications

If your risk of metabolic syndrome is greater than 50% or if two or more parameters are out of range, Healthwiz recommends lifestyle modifications  (in addition to medical consulatation) in terms of:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Stress Management

Tracking Calorie Intake and Exercise Output

You can keep track of your calorie intake and exercise output and adjust them according to HealthwizAI’s recommendations (although it is not absolutely necessary to do so) For instance, you can ask HealthwizAI:

  • I am a 50-year-old female. What are my daily calorie and exercise requirements?

Or, instead, you can follow a simple Rule-of-Thumb:

  • If your BMI is well within the normal range, continue your present level of exercise and food intake.
  • If not, reduce food intake and increase exercise.
  • Most importantly, always maintain a balanced diet.

Diet and Nutrition Guidance

Healthwiz recommends a Mediterranean diet and intermittent fasting (to be followed after consultation with a health provider).

To learn more, ask HealthwizAI:

  1. What is intermittent fasting and how does it improve my metabolic health?
  2. What is a balanced diet, and how does it help in improving my health?
  3. What type of diet would you recommend for improving my metabolic health?
  4. Is the Mediterranean diet good for metabolic health and why?
  5. What is the Mediterranean diet and how can I adapt it to Indian cuisine?
  6. Can you provide meal plans for the Indian version of the Mediterranean diet?

Personalized Health Coaching

Your personalized, interactive AI-generated health coach, HealthwizAI, provides step-by-step guidance for making lifestyle modifications.

Tracking Your Progress

After making appropriate lifestyle modifications for 2 to 3 months, you will see a measurable improvement in overall health (as measured by the Healthwiz score), motivating you to continue a healthy lifestyle. The Healthwiz score is the most comprehensive marker of general health and is sensitive enough to show changes in just a few weeks of lifestyle modification.

Personalized Health Queries

You can ask HealthwizAI questions about diet, exercise, stress management, sleep, social interactions, and wellness, to get started with your personalized, interactive experience. For instance, you can ask HealthwizAI:

  1. Metabolic Syndrome & Health Status
    • What is metabolic syndrome, and why is it important?
    • “I have a 51 percent risk of metabolic syndrome. What is my health status?”
    • “Can you come up with a detailed action plan to improve my health?”
    • “Is metabolic syndrome reversible?”
  2. Dietary Preference
    • “I am a vegetarian. How can I adapt the Mediterranean diet to my vegetarian lifestyle?”
  3. Exercise Guidance
    • “I am a 50-year-old female. How much exercise and what types of exercise do I need?”
    • “Should I walk before or after a meal?”
    • “How long should I walk after every meal?”
    • “How does exercise improve metabolic health?”
  4. Lifestyle and Wellness
    • “How do alcohol and smoking affect metabolic health?”
    • “What specific measures would you recommend for stress management?”
    • “How much sleep do I need and how can I ensure that I get enough sleep?”
    • “Why are social connections important for good health and how can I build/maintain my social connections?”

For quick access to HealthwizAI, use Google search (type: healthwizai.com) to open HealthwizAI in Google, tap the menu (3 dots) at the top, and select ‘Add to home screen’.

Additional Resources

You will also benefit from listening to these podcasts focusing on ‘How to Improve Overall Health’:

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